2.2% of Households Receive Food Stamps in Columbia, South Carolina

Food Stamps in Columbia, South Carolina

What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in Columbia?

The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in Columbia is 2.2%.

How Many Households in Columbia Receive Food Stamps?

There are 993 households out of 46098 in Columbia receiving food stamps.

Where does Columbia Rank in Comparison to Other South Carolina Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?

Columbia ranks 140th out of 236 cities and towns in South Carolina for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.

Here is a comparison of Food Stamps by city(minimum 1,000 residents) in Lexington County, Richland County.

City Food Stamps Details



3 of 686 Chapin households received food stamps within the past year.



12 of 579 Gaston households received food stamps within the past year.



128 of 7,825 Lexington households received food stamps within the past year.

Oak Grove


78 of 4,240 Oak Grove households received food stamps within the past year.

Pine Ridge


10 of 810 Pine Ridge households received food stamps within the past year.

Red Bank


75 of 3,969 Red Bank households received food stamps within the past year.

Seven Oaks


89 of 6,594 Seven Oaks households received food stamps within the past year.

South Congaree


10 of 924 South Congaree households received food stamps within the past year.

West Columbia


162 of 7,851 West Columbia households received food stamps within the past year.

South Carolina County Food Stamps Comparison

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