Poverty Rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
In District of Columbia, District of Columbia, an estimated 85,676 of 642,853 people live in poverty.
- What is the poverty rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia?
The poverty rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia is 13.3%.
- How many people in District of Columbia, District of Columbia live in poverty?
In District of Columbia, District of Columbia, an estimated 85,676 of 642,853 people live in poverty.
- How does the poverty rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia compare to the average for District of Columbia?
The poverty rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia is the same as the District of Columbia average. In District of Columbia, District of Columbia, an estimated 13.3% of 642,853 people live in poverty. In District of Columbia, 13.3% of 642,853 people live in poverty.
- How does the poverty rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia compare to the US?
The poverty rate in District of Columbia, District of Columbia is 5.56% higher than the US average. In District of Columbia, District of Columbia, an estimated 13.3% of 642,853 people live in poverty. In the United States, 12.6% of 325,521,470 people live in poverty.
Poverty Rate by City
- Washington, District of Columbia 15.1% of 649,184 people.
Under 18 years
17.1% Poverty Rate for people under 18 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
17.1% of 126 thousand people
Under 5 years
13.2% Poverty Rate for children under 5 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
13.2% of 38 thousand people
5 to 17 years
18.8% Poverty Rate for children 5 to 17 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
18.8% of 88 thousand people
Related children of householder under 18 years
16.9% Poverty Rate for related children to home owner under 18 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
16.9% of 125 thousand people
18 to 64 years
12.4% Poverty Rate for people 18 to 64 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
12.4% of 437 thousand people
18 to 34 years
14.1% Poverty Rate for people 18 to 34 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
14.1% of 189 thousand people
35 to 64 years
11.1% Poverty Rate for people 35 to 64 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
11.1% of 248 thousand people
60 years and over
20.5% Poverty Rate for people 60 years and over in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
20.5% of 118 thousand people
65 years and over
17.7% Poverty Rate for people 65 years and over in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
17.7% of 87 thousand people
4.4% Poverty Rate for White people in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
4.4% of 250 thousand people
Black or African American
26.1% Poverty Rate for Black People in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
26.1% of 269 thousand people
11.8% Poverty Rate for Asian People in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
11.8% of 25 thousand people
Some other race
3.7% Poverty Rate for People with another race in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
3.7% of 34 thousand people
Two or more races
7.8% Poverty Rate for People with 2 or more races in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
7.8% of 70 thousand people
5.2% Poverty Rate for Hispanics in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
5.2% of 79 thousand people
White, not Hispanic
4.2% Poverty Rate for White people with no other heritage in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
4.2% of 239 thousand people
Population 25 years and over
11.6% Poverty Rate for people 25 years and over in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
11.6% of 478 thousand people
Less than high school graduate
34.3% Poverty Rate for people who did not graduate high school in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
34.3% of 34 thousand people
High school graduate (includes equivalency)
30.4% Poverty Rate for people who graduated high school in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
30.4% of 61 thousand people
Some college, associate's degree
19.6% Poverty Rate for people with some college or an Associate's Degree in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
19.6% of 66 thousand people
Bachelor's degree or higher
3.9% Poverty Rate for people with at least a Bachelor's Degree in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
3.9% of 317 thousand people
Civilian labor force 16 years and over
6.5% Poverty Rate for people in the workforce at least 16 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
6.5% of 398 thousand people
4.2% Poverty Rate for employed people in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
4.2% of 376 thousand people
3.3% Poverty Rate for employed men in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
3.3% of 181 thousand people
4.9% Poverty Rate for employed women in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
4.9% of 195 thousand people
48.7% Poverty Rate for unemployed people in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
48.7% of 21 thousand people
47.4% Poverty Rate for unemployed men in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
47.4% of 11 thousand people
50.1% Poverty Rate for unemployed women in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
50.1% of 10 thousand people
Population 16 years and over
13.4% Poverty Rate for people 16 and over in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
13.4% of 536 thousand people
Worked full-time, year-round in the past 12 months
0.8% Poverty Rate for people who worked full time in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
0.8% of 308 thousand people
Worked part-time or part-year in the past 12 months
21.1% Poverty Rate for people who worked part time in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
21.1% of 96 thousand people
Did not work
37.5% Poverty Rate for people who did not work in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
37.5% of 132 thousand people
16.8% Poverty Rate for single people in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
16.8% of 253 thousand people
17.4% Poverty Rate for single men in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
17.4% of 120 thousand people
16.3% Poverty Rate for single women in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
16.3% of 133 thousand people
18 to 24 years
37% Poverty Rate for single people 18-24 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
37% of 26 thousand people
25 to 34 years
6.8% Poverty Rate for single people 25-34 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
6.8% of 91 thousand people
35 to 44 years
5.5% Poverty Rate for single people 35-44 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
5.5% of 40 thousand people
45 to 54 years
16.7% Poverty Rate for single people 45-54 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
16.7% of 23 thousand people
55 to 64 years
34.2% Poverty Rate for single people 55-64 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
34.2% of 30 thousand people
65 to 74 years
28.7% Poverty Rate for single people 65-74 years old in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
28.7% of 27 thousand people
75 years and over
17.9% Poverty Rate for single people 75 years old and over in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
17.9% of 16 thousand people
Worked full-time, year-round in the past 12 months
0.8% Poverty Rate for single people who worked full time in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
0.8% of 154 thousand people
Worked less than full-time, year-round in the past 12 months
28.4% Poverty Rate for single people who worked part time in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
28.4% of 45 thousand people
Did not work
53.4% Poverty Rate for single people who did not work in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
53.4% of 53 thousand people
Population in housing units for whom poverty status is determined
13.3% Poverty Rate for single people in housing units in District of Columbia, District of Columbia
District of Columbia Counties
Browse By County in District of Columbia
County | Poverty Rate |
District of Columbia, District of Columbia Poverty Rate | 16.5% |
District of Columbia, District of Columbia Poverty Rate | 13.3% |