Welfare Info

Poverty Rate in Katonah, New York

  • In Katonah, New York, an estimated 270 of 1,907 people live in poverty.


  • What is the poverty rate in Katonah, New York?

    The poverty rate in Katonah, New York is 14.2%.

  • How many people in Katonah, New York live in poverty?

    In Katonah, New York, an estimated 270 of 1,907 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Katonah, New York compare to the average for New York?

    The poverty rate in Katonah, New York is 2.16% higher than the New York average. In Katonah, New York, an estimated 14.2% of 1,907 people live in poverty. In New York, 13.9% of 19,329,338 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Katonah, New York compare to the US?

    The poverty rate in Katonah, New York is 10.94% higher than the US average. In Katonah, New York, an estimated 14.2% of 1,907 people live in poverty. In the United States, 12.8% of 324,173,084 people live in poverty.

  • Population

    Katonah, New York

  • Age
  • Under 18 years

    Katonah, New York

  • Under 5 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 5 to 17 years

    Katonah, New York

  • Related children of householder under 18 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 18 to 64 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 18 to 34 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 35 to 64 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 60 years and over

    Katonah, New York

  • 65 years and over

    Katonah, New York

  • Gender
  • Male

    Katonah, New York

  • Female

    Katonah, New York

  • Race
  • White

    Katonah, New York

  • Asian

    Katonah, New York

  • Some other race

    Katonah, New York

  • Two or more races

    Katonah, New York

  • Hispanic

    Katonah, New York

  • White, not Hispanic

    Katonah, New York

  • Education level
  • Population 25 years and over

    Katonah, New York

  • Less than high school graduate

    Katonah, New York

  • High school graduate (includes equivalency)

    Katonah, New York

  • Some college, associate's degree

    Katonah, New York

  • Bachelor's degree or higher

    Katonah, New York

  • Employment status
  • Civilian labor force 16 years and over

    Katonah, New York

  • Employed

    Katonah, New York

  • Male

    Katonah, New York

  • Female

    Katonah, New York

  • Unemployed

    Katonah, New York

  • Female

    Katonah, New York

  • Work experience
  • Population 16 years and over

    Katonah, New York

  • Worked full-time, year-round in the past 12 months

    Katonah, New York

  • Worked part-time or part-year in the past 12 months

    Katonah, New York

  • Did not work

    Katonah, New York

  • Single people

    Katonah, New York

  • Male

    Katonah, New York

  • Female

    Katonah, New York

  • 25 to 34 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 45 to 54 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 55 to 64 years

    Katonah, New York

  • 75 years and over

    Katonah, New York

  • Worked full-time, year-round in the past 12 months

    Katonah, New York

  • Worked less than full-time, year-round in the past 12 months

    Katonah, New York

  • Did not work

    Katonah, New York

  • Population in housing units for whom poverty status is determined

    Katonah, New York