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American Youth Leadership Training Program

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

What is American Youth Leadership Training Program?

The American Youth Leadership Program is a leadership training exchange program for U.S. high school students and adult mentors. Participants travel abroad to gain firsthand knowledge of foreign cultures and to examine globally significant issues, such as the environment and climate change, food security and nutrition, the role of the media, and science and technology. Programs involve homestays with local families, language lessons, leadership training, and community service opportunities. Participants implement a follow-on project in their communities once they return home.


American Youth Leadership Training Program is administered by Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Program Requirements


  • All youth participants must be between the ages of 15 and 17.
  • Adults participants may be teachers, trainers, school administrators, and/or community leaders who work with youth.

Eligibility for this program vary by country. Use the program locator found at the bottom of the Youth Leadership Program Page to find country-specific eligibility details.

Application Details

What is the application process for American Youth Leadership Training Program?

Applications for this program vary by country. Use the program locator found at the bottom of the Youth Leadership Program Page to find country-specific application details.

Contact Info

[email protected]

How to Apply

Youth Leadership Program

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