Welfare Info

English Language Teaching Fellow Program

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

What is English Language Teaching Fellow Program?

Through the English Language Fellow (EL Fellow) Program, highly qualified U.S. educators in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) or Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) participate in 10-month-long fellowships at academic institutions throughout the world.

The EL Fellow program fosters mutual understanding, promotes English language learning and enhances English teaching capacity abroad. Through projects sponsored by U.S. embassies, EL Fellows share their professional expertise, hone their skills, gain international experience and learn about other cultures. EL Fellows model and demonstrate up-to-date TEFL classroom practices that help foster thoughtful and responsible behavior in students and teachers of English.

To date, more than 1,000 EL Fellows have conducted projects in more than 80 countries. Examples of past EL Fellow projects include: Classroom Teaching, Teacher Training, In-Service and Pre-Service Training, Curriculum Development, Workshop and Seminar Design, Program Evaluation, Needs Assessment, Testing, and English for Specific Purposes (ESP).


English Language Teaching Fellow Program is administered by Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Program Requirements

To be eligible for this program, applicant must have all of the following requirements:

  • U.S. citizenship.
  • Graduate level degree in TESOL, applied linguistics, or a field related to English language teaching.
  • Experience and a demonstrated commitment to teaching ESL/EFL.

Application Details

What is the application process for English Language Teaching Fellow Program?

Application details for this program may vary by country. Please use the program location selection tool found at the bottom of the English Language Fellow Program Page to find your country-specific application details.

Contact Info


How to Apply

English Language Fellow Program Details

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