1.8% of Households Receive Food Stamps in Port St. Lucie, Florida

Food Stamps in Port St. Lucie, Florida

What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in Port St. Lucie?

The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in Port St. Lucie is 1.8%.

How Many Households in Port St. Lucie Receive Food Stamps?

There are 1095 households out of 61778 in Port St. Lucie receiving food stamps.

Where does Port St. Lucie Rank in Comparison to Other Florida Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?

Port St. Lucie ranks 335th out of 740 cities and towns in Florida for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.

How do other cities in St. Lucie County compare to Port St. Lucie when it comes to the percentage of homes receiving Food Stamps?

Cities must have a minimum of 1,000 residents to qualify

City Food Stamps Details

Fort Pierce


399 of 16,386 Fort Pierce households received food stamps within the past year.

Fort Pierce North


62 of 2,534 Fort Pierce North households received food stamps within the past year.

Fort Pierce South


0 of 1,609 Fort Pierce South households received food stamps within the past year.

Hutchinson Island South


74 of 3,095 Hutchinson Island South households received food stamps within the past year.

Indian River Estates


24 of 2,646 Indian River Estates households received food stamps within the past year.

Lakewood Park


70 of 4,891 Lakewood Park households received food stamps within the past year.

Port St. Lucie


1095 of 61,778 Port St. Lucie households received food stamps within the past year.

River Park


25 of 2,328 River Park households received food stamps within the past year.

White City


39 of 1,442 White City households received food stamps within the past year.

Florida County Food Stamps Comparison

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