Welfare Info

Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • In Deuel County, South Dakota, an estimated 3,914 of 4,238 people have health insurance.

  • In Deuel County, South Dakota, an estimated 324 people do not have health insurance.


  • How does the health insurance coverage rate in Deuel County, South Dakota compare to the average for South Dakota

    The health insurance coverage rate in Deuel County, South Dakota is 1.32% higher than average inn South Dakota. In Deuel County, South Dakota, an estimated 92.4% of 4,238 people have a health insurance plan. In all of South Dakota, 91.2% of 324,818,565 people have health insurance.

  • How does the health insurance coverage rate in Deuel County, South Dakota compare to the US?

    The health insurance coverage rate in Deuel County, South Dakota is 1.32% higher than the US average. In Deuel County, South Dakota, an estimated 92.4% of 4,238 people have a health insurance plan. In the United States, 91.2% of 324,818,565 people have health insurance.

  • Population

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Age
  • Under 6 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 6 to 18 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 19 to 25 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 26 to 34 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 35 to 44 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 45 to 54 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 55 to 64 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 65 to 74 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 75 years and older

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Under 19 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 19 to 64 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 65 years and older

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Gender
  • Male

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Female

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Race
  • White

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • American Indian and Alaska Native

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Some other race

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Two or more races

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Hispanic

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • White, not Hispanic

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Default
  • In family households

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • In married couple families

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • In other families

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Male reference person, no spouse present

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Female reference person, no spouse present

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • In non-family households and other living arrangements

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Nationality
  • Native born

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Foreign born

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Naturalized

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Not a citizen

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Default
  • With a disability

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • No disability

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Education level
  • Population 26 years and over

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Less than high school graduate

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • High school graduate (includes equivalency)

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Some college or associate's degree

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Bachelor's degree or higher

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Employment status
  • Population 19 to 64 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • In labor force

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Employed

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Unemployed

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Not in labor force

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Work experience
  • Population 19 to 64 years

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Worked full-time, year round in the past 12 months

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Worked less than full-time, year round in the past 12 months

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Did not work

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Household income
  • Total household population

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Under $25,000

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • $25,000 to $49,999

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • $50,000 to $74,999

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • $75,000 to $99,999

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • $100,000 and over

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Default
  • Population

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Below 138 percent of the poverty threshold

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • 138 to 399 percent of the poverty threshold

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • At or above 400 percent of the poverty threshold

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota

  • Below 100 percent of the poverty threshold

    Health Insurance Coverage in Deuel County, South Dakota