2.8% of Households Receive Food Stamps in New Bedford, Massachusetts

Food Stamps in New Bedford, Massachusetts

What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in New Bedford?

The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in New Bedford is 2.8%.

How Many Households in New Bedford Receive Food Stamps?

There are 1097 households out of 39491 in New Bedford receiving food stamps.

Where does New Bedford Rank in Comparison to Other Massachusetts Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?

New Bedford ranks 200th out of 224 cities and towns in Massachusetts for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.

How do other cities in Bristol County compare to New Bedford when it comes to the percentage of homes receiving Food Stamps?

Cities must have a minimum of 1,000 residents to qualify

City Food Stamps Details

Mansfield Center


11 of 3,156 Mansfield Center households received food stamps within the past year.

New Bedford


1097 of 39,491 New Bedford households received food stamps within the past year.

Acushnet Center


0 of 1,223 Acushnet Center households received food stamps within the past year.



306 of 17,094 Attleboro households received food stamps within the past year.

Bliss Corner


38 of 2,202 Bliss Corner households received food stamps within the past year.

Fall River


663 of 38,611 Fall River households received food stamps within the past year.

North Seekonk


0 of 1,040 North Seekonk households received food stamps within the past year.

North Westport


71 of 1,919 North Westport households received food stamps within the past year.

Norton Center


0 of 455 Norton Center households received food stamps within the past year.

Ocean Grove


0 of 1,141 Ocean Grove households received food stamps within the past year.

Raynham Center


15 of 1,534 Raynham Center households received food stamps within the past year.

Smith Mills


75 of 1,975 Smith Mills households received food stamps within the past year.



99 of 6,995 Somerset households received food stamps within the past year.



335 of 22,273 Taunton households received food stamps within the past year.

Massachusetts County Food Stamps Comparison

Welfare Info