1.9% of Households Receive Food Stamps in Austin, Texas

Food Stamps in Austin, Texas

What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in Austin?

The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in Austin is 1.9%.

How Many Households in Austin Receive Food Stamps?

There are 6922 households out of 361257 in Austin receiving food stamps.

Where does Austin Rank in Comparison to Other Texas Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?

Austin ranks 749th out of 983 cities and towns in Texas for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.

Here is a comparison of Food Stamps by city(minimum 1,000 residents) in Hays County, Travis County, Williamson County.

City Food Stamps Details



105 of 4,705 Buda households received food stamps within the past year.

Dripping Springs


20 of 899 Dripping Springs households received food stamps within the past year.



242 of 11,653 Kyle households received food stamps within the past year.



16 of 1,214 Wimberley households received food stamps within the past year.



3 of 712 Woodcreek households received food stamps within the past year.

Texas County Food Stamps Comparison

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